Jul 8, 2007 | Uncategorized
A few more thoughts on one of the shows I know best – Macbeth. Mac is a Ghost story. So, for that matter, is Hamlet. Less so Richard III, though it has ghosts too. While tempting to cut, the speech by one of the witches in I.iii is actually quite important. She...
Jun 29, 2007 | Shakespeare - Theatre
This may seem an incredibly minor and nit-picky point, but honestly, after fifteen years of productions and between one and two hundred performances of the show, this is something that sets my teeth on edge. His name is not Mcbeth. He is not Irish. His name is...
Jun 27, 2007 | Essential Posts - Shakespeare - Theatre
There are two battles at the top of Macbeth. Whenever I am in charge of the staging, I try and open the show with both of these, just to make things clear. But whether or not they're staged, they are laid out in Act I scene ii. Appropriately, they come from two...
Jun 26, 2007 | Essential Posts - Shakespeare - Theatre
There are perhaps three uber-famous speeches in Macbeth, but the one that is most often quoted is the "Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow" speech. It’s often taken as an existential lament, recited by actors and professors with a deep sorrowful...