Circular Thinking

One of the reasons I love teaching is that it forces me to distill and confront my knowledge, and refine it into sensible bits. Another reason I love it is because the students are often smarter than I am.  I don't teach much, mostly because I resent the...

Physical Foundations

The new Judean/Roman novel came about in an odd way. Two years ago I signed with a new agent. We started talking about the projects I had on hand. “They sound cool, but they’re not blockbusters. I want something epic. Tell me, is there a place that you’ve always...

Chapter 3 – The Prince’s Near Allies pt. 2

Sunlight spilled in through billowing curtains to frame the lord of Verona and his honored guests in the arched loggia. The open side of the long covered balcony faced east, providing a magnificent view of the Adige River. It was not, however, the view one first...