EMU Romeo & Juliet Preview

This Friday opens my most recent project: a modern-dress Romeo & Juliet at Eastern Michigan University's Quirk Theater. The cast is wonderful, moreso because it's the first time in many years that my Juliet, Romeo, and the boys have been age-appropriate...

Eastern Michigan Gig

I'm noticing a lot of people are getting here by searching for my name in conjunction with Eastern Michigan Univeristy. As I seem to have only mentioned it in passing, I suppose I should plug the gig and talk a bit about it. So here goes. Next week I'm heading...

Two Dominant Searches

Of all the various seach terms that bring people to this site, there are two that are dominant. 1) Capulet-Montague feud; and 2) Tomorrow and tomorrow. The first is rather obvious – I’ve written a novel about the cause of the Capulet-Montague feud in Romeo...

The real Capulets & Montagues

Someone just found this site by Googling the names "ANTONIO CAPULLETTO" and "MARIOTTO MONTECCHIO." Which is flattering, as the only way that person could have gotten those names is by reading my novel. Because I made them up. With that in mind, I...