Mar 28, 2009 | Shakespeare - Theatre
Since the publication of THE MASTER OF VERONA, this site has been reached every single day by someone Googling the terms “Capulet-Montague Feud.” I want the piece to be easy to find, so I’m reposting it here. Enjoy! Early in 1999 I was directing...
Mar 12, 2009 | Shakespeare - The Novel
One of the questions in the interview over at Historical Novels was "How many Shakespearean characters are in THE MASTER OF VERONA?" Now, I've thought about how many plays I referenced, but I've never done a strict character count. So I...
Jan 29, 2009 | Cut Scenes - Shakespeare
THE SHOEMAKER'S SONa Tale of Illyriawherein the HANDSOME KNIGHT discovers true LONGING Lyons, France1 October, 1316 The banners were so red they might have been made of actual flame. They snaked out, unfurling with a hearty crack before whipping back...
Jan 28, 2009 | Cut Scenes - Shakespeare - Writing
For those keeping score, VARNISHED FACES falls between chapters 27 and 28 in THE MASTER OF VERONA, at the very beginning of the Fourth Act, entitled The Exiles. There are several reasons why this story pleases me. It fills in a few deficiencies in MV. We...
Jan 24, 2009 | Books - Cut Scenes - Publishing - The Novel
A year ago I published two short stories through the now-defunct Amazon Shorts program. I had more in the pipe, but finding that pipe stoppered, I've decided to post them here, serially. The original intent behind these stories was to build up to the opening...