Aug 27, 2006 | Shakespeare - The Novel
The good humor on the loggia gave way to hunger as the smells drifting from the dining-hall – wine, spiced meat, melting cheese, warm bread and olive-oil – started men salivating. Pietro was singing a ribald chorus with the groom’s friends, hoping his father wasn’t...
Aug 13, 2006 | Books - Film & Television - Publishing - Travel
Ah, sweet, sweet music. Some writers like to sit in bustling cafes, smoking their cigarillos and drinking coffee and Bailey’s. Some sit outdoors, with the sounds of nature. Some lock themselves away from the smallest pin-drop. Some don’t care what noise surrounds...
Aug 12, 2006 | Shakespeare - The Novel
The Abbot of San Zeno was about to continue the argument, but the Capitano had evidently heard enough. Canting his head to one side, he addressed his fool. “This talk of poetry has put me in the mind to hear some. Come, rascal, entertain us briefly before we dine.”...
Aug 11, 2006 | Theatre - Travel
Again from June, 2002. This is the last of our little dispatches from Italy. Dear All,It’s hot… hot hot hot. Yes, I know from the CNN weather reports that it’s hot in Chicago right now… and in Michigan… and basically all around the...
Aug 10, 2006 | Theatre - Travel
On our honeymoon back in 2002, Jan and I made a point of stopping into internet cafes and sending off these massively fun e-mails to a huge number of friends. Oh so originally, we entitled these, "Dispatches from Europe." Since I’ve been talking about...