Having spent this week writing chapters 2 & 3 of Fortune’s Fool, I’ve not paid much attention to the blog. Apologies. But it means there’s loads of stuff to talk about.

Firstly, I’m off Friday to Wooster Ohio for a lecture, a signing, and a combat workshop. I’ll be at the College of Wooster’s theatre on Friday at 4pm to give a Q&A lecture on being a professional actor. Then at 10:30 Saturday morning it’s a signing in the Lowry building, then at 3 I’m back in the theatre to do a little stage combat overview. I haven’t been back to Woo in fifteen years, so it’ll be fun. Jan and Dash are coming, just for fun. It’ll be a hoot.

But not as much of a hoot as it was to hear about release dates from my editor at St. Martin’s. The second book in the Mercutio series (title STILL in flux) will be coming out Fall 2008, at the same time the trade paperback of THE MASTER OF VERONA is hitting the shelves. I was particularly delighted to hear this news, as I was unaware that there was even going to be a trade paperback edition. I’ve been hoarding my ARC copies, since I thought that was as close as I was going to get. But no! Trade paperbacks, not mass market! Since that’s my  format of choice, I am thrilled.

And, finally, there have been a few more reviews/interviews that have shown up. The first is over at the Blogger News Network. Then come three inter-related pieces, all thanks to Marshal Zeringue at Campaign For The American Reader. The links are here, here, and here. The middle one is my favorite – Marshal has been taking an unscientific poll of authors, challenging them to open their book to page 69 and see if it’s a decent representation of the novel as a whole. As you will see, I think mine is.

And that’s it for the moment. I’m trying to figure out if I should create a poll for the title of the second book. The one we all like best reads well on paper but is a bitch to say aloud. Not a good thing. If I figure out how to insert a poll, I’ll do it when I get back from Woo. Meanwhile, it’s back to book three – large swaths of which seem to be set in Avignon. It’s the first time I’ve really left Italy in the story, and I’m having a ball.

Cheers, DB