While Dash has fallen in love with A CHARLIE BROWN CHRISTMAS (probably because I play Vince Guaraldi music through the year), I’ve been doing a marathon of Christmas films that aren’t really about Christmas. You know what I mean – DIE HARD, THE THIN MAN, LETHAL WEAPON, etc. This before I watch the holiday classics like MIRACLE ON 34th STREET, WHITE CHRISTMAS, & THE BISHOP’S WIFE. Because seriously, there’s more to the holidays than good cheer. Apparently there’s a lot of ass-kicking and wise-cracking.

So while TV bombards you with reruns of holiday classics to make up for the dearth of new material (see United Hollywood for more WGA Strike news), go out and rent – don’t download! – a good holiday mystery or action film.

Beacuse now I have a machinegun. Ho. Ho. Ho.