Now that I'm fairly well settled in Michigan for the duration of the two shows Jan and I are doing, I've jumped back into blogging. Oh, not here. No, I'm doing book reviews for my Shanghai Low Theatricals blog, A DARK WOOD, and commenting on politics over at Kevin Theis' blog, THIS DIRTY HOOD.

The reason? I'm a member of Shanghai Low Theatricals, a play-writing/adaptation collective. I've been a member for a little less than a year, and we've put together stage adaptations for some pretty fantastic pieces of literature. More on that when we've got them polished and ready to perform.

But, at the behest of comrade Steve Pickering, I'm raising the profile of the company online with reviews of books. Steve's doing the same on his movie-review site, MAGGIE'S SPROCKET, while Kevin, who is even more of a political junkie than I am, keeps writing in the Hood. All three of us are combined in the blog ORSON'S RUN, which is not up yet, but will be dedicated to the company and its works.

So swing by my other site – I'm attempting to have a new review every day. Then go exploring through the other related sites. And be afriad. Be very, very afraid.  Under-construction0908