Apr 3, 2012 | Books - Publishing - Shakespeare
Thanks to the wonderful Rob McLean for bringing to life an image I've had in my head for over two years. Thanks to Paul Metreyeon for taking the photo. Thanks to Elizabeth MacDougald for the dress. The model shall remain nameless until I have permission from his...
Mar 20, 2012 | Books - The Novel
Below is the cover for COLOSSUS: STONE & STEEL, the first of the Colossus series that begins with the battle of Beth Horon and goes all the way to the early Colosseum games. This novel is the start of the Judean/Roman war, ending with the siege of Jotapata. This...
Mar 9, 2012 | Books - Publishing
I have a feeling that with the Kindle printing of THE MASTER OF VERONA, along with its two sequels VOICE OF THE FALCONER and FORTUNE'S FOOL, along with my Will Shakespeare and Kit Marlowe spy novel HER MAJESTY'S WILL, the other book published on April 23rd...
Feb 27, 2012 | Books - Publishing - The Novel
The long wait is almost over! Here's the cover for VOICE OF THE FALCONER, finally available on Kindle on April 23rd!
Feb 26, 2012 | Books - Film & Television - Theatre
Today is Christopher "Kit" Marlowe's birthday. He would be 448 years old. The son of a shoemaker, he wrote some of the most provocative plays of his day, always challenging authority – which is perhaps why he was forced to act as a spy for Her...
Feb 21, 2012 | Books - Publishing - The Novel
Along with the five novels coming on April 23rd, I'm releasing several short stories as well. Some are Verona-related, some are just things I've been noodling for awhile. A couple are new, a couple have been floating around (yes, SINCERITY will be among them,...