Follow Your Blixt – April 21-22, 2024

Interesting stuff happening or happened today. Not an exhaustive list. Definite liberal truth bias. by Janice L Blixt April 21, 2024 Israeli strikes on the southern Gaza city of Rafah overnight killed 22 people. Royal Parks Police, in charge of Richmond Park in west...

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Okay, weighing in on the recent Giuliani kerfuffle, wherein America's Mayor questioned the President's patriotism and background. Yes, racist, absolutely. But it goes deeper than that, actually.  Republican talking heads cannot simply disagree with their...

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Relationships – The Two Questions

Today a teenager asked me for relationship advice. Awkward? Absolutely. I want to know nothing at all about teenage romances. I remember my own far too well. Fortunately, I have a catch-all piece of relationship advice that Jan and I have relied on for years....

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Shock Therapy

It’s a big thing in entertainment to shock your audience. TV trolls us with teasers all the time: “You won’t believe the shocking twist!” “The last five minutes will shock you!” There’s value in shock. It feels good, as an artist, to make people gasp and sit a little...

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The Best Question

In my post last week about the passing of Colleen McCullough, I mentioned that when I met her I wasted my one question. It was at a book signing. She was promoting her book Morgan's Run, and I asked an historical quibble about prisoners and New South Wales v. the...

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The Business of Art

Following up on my burblings on Art and Competition, I have to say, the flood of affirmation has been lovely. Evidently I hit a rich vein. Naturally there have been naysayers (surprisingly few, actually). I've chosen not to engage them, because it's like...

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On The Shoulders Of Giants

“Writing is easy. You only need to stare at a piece of blank paper until your forehead bleeds.” – Douglas Adams When I set out to write “Her Majesty’s Will,” I was scared. Why? Because I wasn’t going to be able to rely on my usual bag of tricks. I was setting out to...

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Master of Rome

Today I am broken-hearted. Colleen McCullough has died.  I throw a lot of love and attention towards Dorothy Dunnett, and often tell people that she's the pinnacle of the genre. But Colleen is probably the author who most changed my life. It is safe to say...

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Forget the Map, Just Explore

My kids go to a great school, and through them I get to meet other artists. One of them is a very talented short story writer. She had a banner year in 2014, and got lots of attention. Of course, from every literary agent she talked to, she heard this: “I love your...

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About David

Author David Blixt’s work is consistently described as “intricate,” “taut,” and “breathtaking.” A writer of Historical Fiction, his novels span the Roman Empire to early Renaissance Italy up through the Elizabethan era…READ MORE

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