Follow Your Blixt – April 21-22, 2024

Interesting stuff happening or happened today. Not an exhaustive list. Definite liberal truth bias. by Janice L Blixt April 21, 2024 Israeli strikes on the southern Gaza city of Rafah overnight killed 22 people. Royal Parks Police, in charge of Richmond Park in west...

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Review Round-Up

Well well well. Haven't done one of these in awhile! Of course, there are now more and more reviews on Amazon and Goodreads and Librarything to be explored. But for those coming from blogs all across the interwebs, it's nice to have a place where one can...

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Today Only – Free Short Stories!

A special Thusday gift - Today only, my collection of Verona short stories VARNISH'D FACES is free on Amazon Kindle! It fills in a few gaps in THE MASTER OF VERONA and VOICE OF THE FALCONER, while teasing the prologue of FORTUNE'S FOOL. Why not check it out?...

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The Secret to Fighting

I get a lot of compliments for my battle scenes. Which is lovely, as they’re some of the most fun and challenging for me to write. I come from the theatre, and among the hats I wear in my professional life is Fight Director. I’m trained in different styles of...

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Blessed & Cursed

I have the dubious distinction of having been both thrown out of the Vatican, and blessed by the Pope. Though not on the same day.  The Vatican Incident (a good Robert Ludlum title) happened while I was on a semester abroad with Eastern Michigan University’s...

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It’s a Many Splendid Thing

HER MAJESTY’S WILL is many things. It’s a spy novel. It’s a Tudor novel. It’s a Shakespeare novel. It’s my (unintentional) answer to the film Anonymous. It’s a little Tom Jones (both the novel and the film). It’s an ode to the late Robert Asprin’s Myth...

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The Numbers Game

So - I’ve got five books out now. 4 of them are brand new. 4 of them have to do with Shakespeare. 4 are set during the Renaissance. 3 of them are set in Italy. 3 of them have good titles. 2 of them are sequels. 1 is a comedy. 1 is about heartbreak, of almost achieving...

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Future Will & Kit Titles

I'm already getting requests for more Will & Kit, which is just what I was secretly hoping for. I wrote it as a stand-alone, a fun romp through Shakespeare's lost years, taking a silly premise and just having fun. As I've said before, I was grinning...

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Crowdsourcing Typos

One of the things that drove me mad over the printed editions of THE MASTER OF VERONA was that there were typos. I take typos as a personal affront, a judgment on my character, a deep failing. Reading, they make me crazy. So the fact that not only myself, but an...

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About David

Author David Blixt’s work is consistently described as “intricate,” “taut,” and “breathtaking.” A writer of Historical Fiction, his novels span the Roman Empire to early Renaissance Italy up through the Elizabethan era…READ MORE

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