Follow Your Blixt – April 21-22, 2024

Interesting stuff happening or happened today. Not an exhaustive list. Definite liberal truth bias. by Janice L Blixt April 21, 2024 Israeli strikes on the southern Gaza city of Rafah overnight killed 22 people. Royal Parks Police, in charge of Richmond Park in west...

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Cool Amazon Oops

I wrote a while back that St. Martin's Press was delaying VOICE OF THE FALCONER, the sequel to THE MASTER OF VERONA, until next year. This is reflected in the SMP Fall catalog, which only lists the trade paperback of MV. It seems, however, that Amazon...

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Page Hearn remembered

The official statement from CityLit: Page Hearn, a seventeen-year mainstay at Chicago's City Lit Theater, best known for his sublime portrayal of the perfect butler Jeeves in a series of P.G. Wodehouse adaptations, died of a heart attack Saturday, May 18, while...

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True Tragedy

I don't know what to say. Page Hearn, a dear friend and co-conspirator in theatre and life, had a massive heart attack this afternoon and died. I'm writing this because I know there are friends who haven't yet heard who stop by here. As a final - irony? tribute? - his...

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Muppet Shakespeare

I get a lot of hits by people Googling "Muppet Shakespeare", thanks to my two casting calls for MUPPET ADO ABOUT NOTHING and MUPPET KING LEAR. For those people, I now present this. (I got this thanks to the ever-amazing Shakespeare Geek, but rather than link...

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The Beginning of the End

The other day I was here writing about endings. Then, the very next day, I was off-project thanks to a beginning. The irony is amusing, if not epic. I was supposed to be working on the new (Roman) novel. But while in the shower I had realized how the final book of the...

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Abarbanel and Sex

I'm several months late getting this up, because somehow I missed it in December. Just found it last night, much to my delight (and chagrin). One of the more significant theatre reviewers in Chicago is Jonathan Abarbanel. He reviews for the local NPR station, WBEZ,...

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New Cover for TP

I just received the new cover-art for THE MASTER OF VERONA. Here 'tis: Though I will miss the swordsman, I do admire the lack of clutter in this version. I'll be interested to hear what other people think...

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Two Dominant Searches

Of all the various seach terms that bring people to this site, there are two that are dominant. 1) Capulet-Montague feud; and 2) Tomorrow and tomorrow. The first is rather obvious - I've written a novel about the cause of the Capulet-Montague feud in Romeo &...

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Known Endings

While I'm not big on outlines, when I'm writing I find it's good to know what my ending is. Gives me a goal to shoot for. This goes both for each individual novel, and the series as a whole. I was thinking about this early this morning, as I mentally ran through the...

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About David

Author David Blixt’s work is consistently described as “intricate,” “taut,” and “breathtaking.” A writer of Historical Fiction, his novels span the Roman Empire to early Renaissance Italy up through the Elizabethan era…READ MORE

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