I’m a Man, and a Feminist. Listen up.

I’m a Man, and a Feminist. Listen up.

I have opinions. I like to share them. I like it when people listen. I think my opinions are important. And, because I’m a straight white man in his 40s, a lot of the time people listen. It’s nice, feeling free to own the space around me and speak my mind. Feels good....
Meditations on Violence, Vol. 1

Meditations on Violence, Vol. 1

Lately I've been thinking a lot about violence.  This is nothing particularly new. I write historical novels that involve war and swashbuckling adventure. I act in classical theatre, with swordfights galore. I design violence for the stage and for film, and...
The Window Scene, or I Hate Balconies

The Window Scene, or I Hate Balconies

You know what drives me consistently crazy? The preconceptions people have about Romeo & Juliet. So often after a student matinee a teacher or a parent will complain: “Why did you add all those sex jokes?” When we explain that we did not add...

The Business of Art

Following up on my burblings on Art and Competition, I have to say, the flood of affirmation has been lovely. Evidently I hit a rich vein. Naturally there have been naysayers (surprisingly few, actually). I've chosen not to engage them, because it's like...