Follow Your Blixt – April 21-22, 2024

Interesting stuff happening or happened today. Not an exhaustive list. Definite liberal truth bias. by Janice L Blixt April 21, 2024 Israeli strikes on the southern Gaza city of Rafah overnight killed 22 people. Royal Parks Police, in charge of Richmond Park in west...

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EVE OF IDES date change!

UPDATE - Due to a scheduling conflict on the part of one of the fantastic people at the Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey, the reading is being postponed until early next year. Naturally, I am sad not to be headed to NJ this autumn, but I absolutely agree with the...

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Smoky Elogy

An era has come to an end. Fifteen years ago this December, in a little outdoor market on a sloping hill in Aswan, Egypt, I traded 25 American dollars for a beautiful blue and silver hookah. The vender told me with great verve that the plastic hose was actually...

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Dash and Evie

It has been pointed out to me that I spend a lot more time updating my Facebook page for things my kids say than I do here. That's because while this is a place for news about my writing career, which proceeds at apace until the next play or book gets picked up,...

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Happy New Year

Cheers, and welcome, welcome 2011! Though you've started off with a pair of body-blows (Chicago losing to Green Bay and, far worse, the loss of Pete Postlethwaite), we're happy to be ushering in a new year full of new projects - and many old ones coming to...

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Donate to the MSF!

We're closing in on the end of the year, and while holidays and festivities are swirling in the air, now is the time for charity. With that in mind, I'd like to promote a worthy cause - the Michigan Shakespeare Festival.  My history with the MSF goes...

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While talking about all things Roman, I thought I'd share my own introduction to Rome. Before I'd gone there, before I'd read Suetonius or Plutarch or anyone else, I read this book - THE FIRST MAN IN ROME. (To be honest, I'd been forced to read...

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Caesar & Brutus, Shakespeare & Shaw

Having spent the last two years researching and writing a novel set in the Roman world, I've naturally spent a great deal of time thinking about Julius Caesar. So it's no surprise that, of the many projects I've been noodling, the first one finished is a...

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News, News, and News

I'm spending most of my updating life on Facebook these days - for some reason that seems so much easier. Another reason for the contined silence is that there hasn't been much to report. I've been writing - a lot. This fall I finished a novel, a play, and...

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About David

Author David Blixt’s work is consistently described as “intricate,” “taut,” and “breathtaking.” A writer of Historical Fiction, his novels span the Roman Empire to early Renaissance Italy up through the Elizabethan era…READ MORE

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