Follow Your Blixt – April 21-22, 2024

Interesting stuff happening or happened today. Not an exhaustive list. Definite liberal truth bias. by Janice L Blixt April 21, 2024 Israeli strikes on the southern Gaza city of Rafah overnight killed 22 people. Royal Parks Police, in charge of Richmond Park in west...

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Today the boxed set for DEXTER arrives on DVD. For anyone who hasn't seen this Showtime original series, go out and pick it up. Grisly? Yes. Disturbing? Yes. Funny? Yes. Michael C. Hall is the most sympathetic, cuddly, and moving serial killer in history. I've read...

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First Book Trailer

Yesterday I tried my hand at a little video-creation. Book trailers are all the rage at the moment. I think they're a little silly (though some, I admit, are quite cool). Still, I'm all about bandwagons, especially ones that have to do with viral marketing. So, here...

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NPR Interview

Forgot to mention this at the time - had a lot going on - but I did an interview with Scott Pohl for WKAR in Lansing, just before the book came out. We also discussed the Michigan Shakespeare Festival, but the reason the interview happened was the book. Here's the...

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Dear Ewa

This is a directed message, in the hopes that it will reach a particluar person. Just now I received a lovely e-mail from the translator of THE MASTER OF VERONA in Polish, for the publisher Philip Wilson. Her name is Ewa, and she says she had "a ball, though...

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Text Stats

Okay, this I love. Wander over to the page, and check out the Text Stats and Concordance features near the bottom of the page. Hy-ster-i-cal. My favorite: Words per Dollar: 11,166 Words per Ounce: 6,603 That's over 11,000 words per buck, folks! What a...

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Pronunciation Guide and Update

This is something I should have posted a long time ago - a guide to how to say some of the names. I'll save the more esoteric ones for later. Right now, let's focus on the leads: Cangrande della Scala  -- kahn-GRAHN-day DELL-ah SKAH-la Scaliger, Scaligeri...

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One of my favorite compliments so far has been from someone whose name you probably don't know - Fritz Foy. He wrote me to say that he thinks MV is one of the best reads of the year. Why is that give me the warm fuzzies? Because he's Fred Foy's son. People from my...

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One week later….

...and I'm just beginning to emerge from the chaos. Fun chaos, but still. This weekend was made doubly weird by the Shakespeare Festival. Two shows Saturday, one Sunday. But less than three hours before the Sunday matinee, John (the artistic director) called to say...

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More Interviews

Since Monday I've had five more requests for interviews. Already one of them has taken place and been posted. It's over at historicalboys, a site run by fellow historical novelist C.W. Gortner. In his enthusiasm to aid a comrade-in-arms, he's given me a great deal of...

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Navigating the Amazon – Part One

This is strange, in a fun and possibly cool way. I ordered five copies of MV on Amazon (the price is about the same as my author discount, when shipping is added). This morning I got an e-mail telling me that the release date for the book has been delayed, so they...

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About David

Author David Blixt’s work is consistently described as “intricate,” “taut,” and “breathtaking.” A writer of Historical Fiction, his novels span the Roman Empire to early Renaissance Italy up through the Elizabethan era…READ MORE

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