Mar 16, 2020 | Current Affairs
Dear Mr. President – real talk. You don’t want to be president during this #coronavirus mess. Heck, you hardly wanted to be president before this. But now things are gonna be bad. You’re gonna be attacked, pilloried and vilified. Everyone’ll be hounding you for...
Mar 1, 2020 | Current Affairs - Essential Posts - Film & Television
Watching the latest Democratic debate, a crazy thing happened to me. Someone asked me how the debate was going, and I said, “It’s a shit show.” Which immediately made me think of this song from Rachel Bloom’s amazing, criminally-underwatched show “Crazy...
Feb 28, 2020 | Current Affairs - Essential Posts - Family
Women don’t owe men anything. We, as men, owe it to women, and to ourselves, to be feminists. Here’s why. Originally written for and posted by I have no trouble sharing my opinion. Why would I? I’m a guy. More than that, I’m...
Sep 22, 2019 | Current Affairs
Yesterday a friend on Facebook shared a September 9th, 2019 post that had gone thoroughly viral, being shared thousands of times. It read as follows: Everyone needs to read this. CBS and Katie Couric must be in a panic and rushing to reassure everyone that this is not...
Sep 21, 2019 | Current Affairs
Let’s be clear from the start: the term “cancel culture” is bullshit. The idea behind “cancel culture” is nothing new — Mel Gibson was canceled long before the term was coined. Thirteen years ago Michael Richards get himself cancelled for spewing racist bile at a...
May 26, 2019 | Current Affairs - Essential Posts - Family - Uncategorized
A couple years back, I was explaining racism to my son, Dash. He was baffled by it, as was I at his age. He lives in a truly diverse neighborhood and goes to a truly diverse school. While he’d studied racism in class, he thought it was a thing of the past.“Oh no,” I...