NEW YORK WORLD – Sunday, December 18, 1887 Nellie Bly in Short Gauze Skirts Kicks at a Mark How it Feels to Go About in an Abbreviated Costume—Making Her Outfit—Holding on a Bar to Practise—Why It Is Healthful—Comments of the Old Professor—It Seems Easy, but...Nellie Bly’s World – IN TRINITY’S TENEMENTS
New York World – December 17, 1894 Nellie Bly Visits Many Miserable Homes Owned by That Corporation. WRETCHEDNESS AND SQUALOR. Outrageous Rents for Filthy Dens in Foul, Rickety, Leaky, Unsanitary Hovels. DEATH, TOO, LURKS IN MANY OF THEM. You Will Learn Here...Discovered! The Lost Novels Of Nellie Bly!
It was the first day of December, 2019, and like Alice, I was down a rabbit hole. I was working on a short-story follow-up to What Girls Are Good For, my 2018 novel following the early career of groundbreaking undercover reporter Nellie Bly. My new story took place...This Day In History: Nellie Bly Dethrones the King of the Lobby!
On April Fool’s Day, 1888, undercover reporter Nellie Bly revealed her most shocking story since her escape from the madhouse on Blackwell’s Island. This is the original story that was the basis for my latest Nellie Bly novella, CLEVER GIRL (Sordelet Ink, 2020. You can download a free ebook version here). Enjoy! — David Blixt