Superhero Fatigue – It’s Not You, It’s The Storytelling
I don’t like to join in bashing films. It’s not fun for me. I don’t enjoy being cynical about things I love, or want to love. That said, I want to make an observation about “superhero fatigue.” It’s not that people are tired of superheroes. They’re tired of movies...
Follow Your Blixt – April 17, 2024
I'm married to an avid news follower. Each day, Jan texts me snippets of the news she consumes while she's doing other things. I've long tried to convince her to make these public. Yesterday she started doing just that, on her Threads account (@janblixt) as well as on...
Follow Your Blixt – April 18, 2024
Interesting stuff happening or happened Thursday, April 18, 2024. Not an exhaustive list. Definite liberal truth bias. By Jan Blixt (@janblixt on Threads). Voting will run in 7 phases from April 19 to June 1 for India's national elections, THE biggest democratic...
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Open Letter to President Trump
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Democratic Candidates’ Closing Arguments, via Crazy Ex-Girlfriend
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This Is Why It’s Important for Men to Be Feminists
Women don't owe men anything. We, as men, owe it to women, and to ourselves, to be feminists. Here's why. Originally written for and posted by bestlifeonline.com. I have no trouble sharing my opinion. Why would I? I'm a guy. More than that, I'm a...

Andy Rooney says “Stop using me for your political B.S.”
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“Cancel Culture” and Responsibility
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Dash Chats: Minecraft Philosophy
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A Story of a Blessing and a Curse
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Rethinking Romance
“Winning the girl.” “Falling for a man.” “You complete me.” “I need you.” These have been the phrases of lovers for the last hundred years, if not the last thousand. And they all need to be retired. Starting with the last, let me say it plain — need is...

The Secret Truth About Cheating
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The Only Relationship Question You Ever Need To Answer
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