Nellie Bly Interviews Wives Of US Cabinet Secretaries
During the election of 1888, Nellie Bly spent a week interviewing the wives of the various candidates, then followed up by embarking on interviewing all the living former first ladies. This must have been well received, for here she is immediately following the...

Superhero Fatigue – It’s Not You, It’s The Storytelling
I don’t like to join in bashing films. It’s not fun for me. I don’t enjoy being cynical about things I love, or want to love. That said, I want to make an observation about “superhero fatigue.” It’s not that people are tired of superheroes. They’re tired of movies...
Follow Your Blixt – April 17, 2024
I'm married to an avid news follower. Each day, Jan texts me snippets of the news she consumes while she's doing other things. I've long tried to convince her to make these public. Yesterday she started doing just that, on her Threads account (@janblixt) as well as on...
Recent Posts

Moonshadow In A Minor Key
My wife was playing Cat Stevens in the car this morning as she took the kids to school. Our 10 year old daughter, a fan of all things horror - even the stuff she's not allowed to see - was frightened by the song "Moonshadow." I thought about the lyrics, and I can see...

I’m a Man, and a Feminist. Listen up.
I have opinions. I like to share them. I like it when people listen. I think my opinions are important. And, because I’m a straight white man in his 40s, a lot of the time people listen. It’s nice, feeling free to own the space around me and speak my mind. Feels good....

Nellie Bly – The Research
For me, inspiration always comes from reading. Be it history, fiction, essays, or comics, I find my best ideas are sparked from gaps I discover in narratives. What was the cause of the famous Capulet-Montague feud? What was Shakespeare doing during his "lost" years?...

Why Nellie Bly?
Late one April evening in 2016, sitting at my desk not writing, this article in The Atlantic caught my eye. The premise was that there were more female action stars 100 years ago than today. Most were in the mold of the Perils of Pauline, with an intrepid young woman...

New Novel Announcement: NELLIE BLY
I've been wanting to talk about her since April of 2016. That's when I toppled into some accidental research and fell desperately in love with the character who would dominate my life for the next two years. Like you, I knew the name. Everyone's heard of her. But I'd...

New Covers for COLOSSUS
As we count down to the release of the new COLOSSUS novel, WAIL OF THE FALLEN, Creativia is re-issuing the first two novels with gorgeous new covers! Yesterday I shared the cover for STONE & STEEL. If you missed it, it's here: Today I'm revealing the new cover for...

New Books, New Covers, New Editions
I've been sitting on news about my next new novel for MONTHS - and still can't talk about it, even though it comes out in just a few weeks. I have so much to say, I've already constructed a new section of my website devoted to it. I'm chomping at the bit to tell you...

The Punisher, or The Danger of Rooting for Villains
I recently watched The Punisher series on Netflix. I was hesitant going in. Not because I thought it would be bad, quite the opposite. John Bernthal is terrific, absolutely compelling to watch. The whole production team did a spectacular job. And they almost – almost...

Meditations on Violence, Vol. 1
Lately I've been thinking a lot about violence. This is nothing particularly new. I write historical novels that involve war and swashbuckling adventure. I act in classical theatre, with swordfights galore. I design violence for the stage and for film, and...

The audiobook for THE MASTER OF VERONA is finally here! After weeks spent recording, re-recording, even rewriting pieces to better flow from the lips, then more weeks as my producer put it all together with the help of an audio proofer and several listeners, it is...