New Books, New Covers, New Editions

New Books, New Covers, New Editions

I’ve been sitting on news about my next new novel for MONTHS – and still can’t talk about it, even though it comes out in just a few weeks. I have so much to say, I’ve already constructed a new section of my website devoted to it. I’m...
The Punisher, or The Danger of Rooting for Villains

The Punisher, or The Danger of Rooting for Villains

I recently watched The Punisher series on Netflix. I was hesitant going in. Not because I thought it would be bad, quite the opposite. John Bernthal is terrific, absolutely compelling to watch. The whole production team did a spectacular job. And they almost – almost...
Meditations on Violence, Vol. 1

Meditations on Violence, Vol. 1

Lately I've been thinking a lot about violence.  This is nothing particularly new. I write historical novels that involve war and swashbuckling adventure. I act in classical theatre, with swordfights galore. I design violence for the stage and for film, and...