Follow Your Blixt – April 18, 2024
Interesting stuff happening or happened Thursday, April 18, 2024. Not an exhaustive list. Definite liberal truth bias. By Jan Blixt (@janblixt on Threads). Voting will run in 7 phases from April 19 to June 1 for India's national elections, THE biggest democratic...
Follow Your Blixt – April 19, 2024
Interesting stuff happening or happened today. Not an exhaustive list. Definite liberal truth bias. The 19 feral cats who live on the grounds of Mexico’s Presidential Palace have been declared “living fixed assets” of the government by President Andrés Manuel López...
Follow Your Blixt – April 20, 2024
Interesting stuff happening or happened today. Not an exhaustive list. Definite liberal truth bias. by Janice L Blixt Volkswagen workers made history last night in Chattanooga, as they voted in a landslide to join the United Auto Workers Union (UAW). Despite pressure...
Recent Posts

Nellie Bly’s World – IN QUAINT OLD ECONOMY
New York World - Sunday, January 8, 1888 There Dwells a Sect With More Millions Than Members Of the Thousand Who Followed George Rapp to America in 1805 Eighteen Now Remain—They Think the World Will End Before the Last of Them Dies—Quiet and Simple Life in a...

Nellie Bly’s World – A DAY IN A DIET KITCHEN
THE NEW YORK WORLD - Sunday, December 23, 1888 The Sad Procession of Invalids Begging For the Simplest Food. Nellie Bly Visits the Wretched Homes of Some of the Sufferers. A Charity that Dispenses Nourishment to the Afflicted Poor with Liberal Hand and Irrespective of...

NEW YORK WORLD - Sunday, December 18, 1887 Nellie Bly in Short Gauze Skirts Kicks at a Mark How it Feels to Go About in an Abbreviated Costume—Making Her Outfit—Holding on a Bar to Practise—Why It Is Healthful—Comments of the Old Professor—It Seems Easy, but Requires...

New York World - December 17, 1894 Nellie Bly Visits Many Miserable Homes Owned by That Corporation. WRETCHEDNESS AND SQUALOR. Outrageous Rents for Filthy Dens in Foul, Rickety, Leaky, Unsanitary Hovels. DEATH, TOO, LURKS IN MANY OF THEM. You Will Learn Here Something...

My Superman Story
A couple nights ago I couldn’t sleep. When this happens, I tend to listen to old-time radio — The Saint, The Shadow, Rocky Jordan, Gunsmoke, Have Gun Will Travel, etc. This time I turned on my old favorite, The Adventures Of Superman.
Superman has been on my mind a lot lately, mostly because of the renewed debate over Zac Snyder’s Man Of Steel. Listening, I was thinking of how forward-thinking the radio show was, having him fight the KKK in 1946, equating them directly with Nazis. I’m glad that story has gotten a comics adaptation.

“Iron-Nerved Young Women” – Nellie Bly Visits Female Medical Students
Phew! But it was horrible. I mean that it was horrible to see pretty, bright-eyed, rosy-cheeked young women busily engaged in dissecting. I saw some of these young medical students at work the other day picking, picking, picking, and so learning the beginning, the end and the object of the veins, arteries, nerves and muscles, and I haven’t had much liking for my dinner since.
It came about this way. I had been told that a dissecting-room was connected with the Woman’s Medical College, at 128 Second avenue. This naturally gave me a desire to see the creatures, whom men claim faint at the sight of a mouse, engaged in dissecting. Of course I thought it over for some time, and I wondered if the students ever fainted at the sight of the work before them. More than all I wondered if I could view them at their work unmoved.

Why Superhero Movies Matter
I think I'm a bad party guest. Last night I attended my first post-vaccinated dinner party. It was the birthday of one of my wife's high school friends, so it was mostly people I'd never met. Like you do, conversation seeks common ground, and at one point we start...

Why I Won’t Publish Nellie Bly’s Racist Novel
When I found the treasure trove of novels by Nellie Bly hidden in the pages of the London Story Paper, I did not start transcribing them in their chronological order. Instead I farmed out the most legible ones to friends while reserving the hardest to discern to myself, postponing the transcribing of the middle-ground ones, neither illegible or perfectly clear.
This was fortunate, because it left her seventh novel, for the end of the queue.
I had finished nine of her novels when I started transcribing and editing Dolly. Instantly, I knew I had a problem on my hands.

Discovered! The Lost Novels Of Nellie Bly!
It was the first day of December, 2019, and like Alice, I was down a rabbit hole. I was working on a short-story follow-up to What Girls Are Good For, my 2018 novel following the early career of groundbreaking undercover reporter Nellie Bly. My new story took place...

My Darling Sharon
This is going to be a little raw. I hope you'll forgive me. In the summer of 2012, my wife was directing me in Richard III at the Michigan Shakespeare Festival, flipping the script from twelve years earlier when I had directed her in the show. I was playing King...